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Looking for a Professional Photographer in Egypt? Here is a Full Directory of Photographers!

الدليل الشامل للمصورين المحترفين في مصر اصبح متاح هنا!

والهدف من هذا الدليل هو توصيل كل عميل يرغب بتصوير اي منتج او خلافه بالمصورين المحترفين في هذا المجال و قد حرصت مدرسة فوتوبيا على ان تتاكد من حرفيه كل مصور موجود بالدليل طرح اسامي مختلفه في كل مجال حتى يتسنى للشخص ان يختار ما يناسبه في اي مجال.

We are proud of announce the launch of a comprehensive listing/ directory of professional photographers our website . We are happy to share with the industry and clients and anyone looking for a professional photographer in the following fields below.. and it is completely for FREE.

ننصح كل مستخدم لهذا الدليل عناية و تأني الاختيار عن طريق تقييم المصورين أو الخدمات المقدمة من قبلهم. نوصي بشدة بمراجعة صورهم و اعمالهم بعناية ومناقشة الميزانية مع المصورين و يتم الاتفاق بصفة رسمية معهم على كل التفاصيل قبل البدء بالعمل معهم. كما ننصح صناع الصورة بحفظ حقوقهم المادية عن طريق المراسلة بالبريد الاليكتروني او عن طريق عقود مبرمة بينهم و بين العملاء.

المجالات هم:

Fields of photographers available: - Advertising - Aerial, Urban & Landscape - Architecture (interior & exterior) & Industrial. - Analog - Automotive - Corporate - Documentary & Photojournalism - Dental & Health care - Events & Conferences - Fashion, Beauty & Celebrities - Fine Art & Contemporary - Food & Dining - Hospitality & Lifestyle - Travel & destination - Newborn, Kids & Family - Pets & Animals - Portrait - Product, E - commerce & Jewelry - Sports & Actions. - Videography & Filmmaking (coming soon) - Wedding & Pre- wedding - underwater photography - photogrammetry - Studios (diverse fields).



This online directory is intended to provide a guide to professional photographers & image-makers based in Egypt. Photopia or any of its employees neither endorse, warrant, nor guarantee the products or services listed in the directory.  The information provided in each listing on this website is compiled from external sources 


Each user/ individual of this listing should engage in their own due diligence process to evaluate the photographers and/or services provided on this website. We highly recommend that you check out their portfolios carefully and discuss the budget with the photographer prior to working with him/her.

This project took us a few years to come to light. Fully compiled and produced by Photopia team: Maryam Omar, Marwa Abou Leila (and previously Reham El Sheimy & Hassan Ghonim were part of it).


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