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Telling Personal Stories with Photography

Personal stories are more than just words.. They explore ideas, feelings and experiences on a deeper level. This workshop is for creating a photo-story in an intimate, personal way. to exhibit a new body of work that focuses on personal and emotive storytelling. You need to tell your story and be able to express yourself in photos before telling other people’s stories, in order to evoke emotion, empathy and connect between you and your subject. It will teach you how to tell a story through the lens of your camera. 


- How to make a photo story 
- Using writing with photography
- Creating a self story; Its something every photographer needs to do if he wants to create stories about other people
- Storytelling is an important lesson to document feelings
- The multimedia experience is welcome in the workshop whether you want to use video or audio
- At the end of the workshop, each participant will make a presentation about his own story

كيفية سرد القصص الشخصية عن طريق التصوير الفوتوغرافي .. و هي ورشة مهمة لكل المصورين . قدرة المصور لسرد قصصه الشخصية بصريا يجعله مستعد لسرد قصص الغير بشكل أقوى و اصدق. 

:خطة الورشة

 عمل قصة مصورة 
 استخدام تقتيات الكتابة مع التصوير 
 عمل قصة مصوره عن الذات هو طريق يحتاج المصور للمرور به اذا اراد عمل قصص اخري عن الناس 
سرد القصص الشخصية هو درس مهم لتوثيق المشاعر 
 تجارب المالتي ميديا مرحب بها في الورشة سواء الرغبه في استخدام الفيديو او الاوديو 
 في اخر الورشة يقوم المشترك بعمل بريزنتشن للقصه الخاصه به 



Heba Khalifa:

Born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1977, Heba Khalifa is a multimedia artist, photojournalist and painter. After graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo in 2000 with a Diploma in decorative cinema and theater she also studied at the high institute of art critics. Not satisfied by artistic tools alone she started using photography as an essential part of artistic projects. Her work initially was experimentation's of photography and painting. Her interest in documenting and representing women and gender issues lead her to photojournalism. She works for a daily newspaper Elsharouk since 2008. Even though the space for in depth photo stories within Egyptian media is quite limited she was able to work on a number of photo stories about realities facing women in Cairo “Cairo women”, “Ramlet boulaq”. During the revolution besides her photo journalistic work Heba also worked on a number of projects “from the square” “recreating the square” where she used collages of photography and drawing which were exhibited in a number of places in Cairo and was featured in Lebanon. In 2012, in her first year as a mother and during the revolution she felt a strong urge to self-reflect and produce a story about a single mother. To be able to express many untold realities and hidden feelings she decided to use conceptual photography as tool. She created “From the inside” a cynical self-portrait story. It was first exhibited in a 2013 at Cairo Atelier and will be featured at Duffield this June in Barcelona as part of the evening projection on Resistance. In addition to her photo journalistic work Heba is dedicating time to longer term project that explore more conceptual issues about women. The aim of which to document and show what hides behind the struggle of women in Egypt. Heba is also a founder of “Shouf”: A collective of 8 photojournalist who use photography as means of expressing ideas and principles of life. Other projects and exhibitions by Heba Khalifa "One Step" in 2001 “Temporary Absence ” in 2006. Cairo Atelier In 2007, she has obtained a Scholarship to Study Graphic Art in Salzburg, Summer Academy. The scholarship included an Exhibition in both Cairo and Salzburg “Cairo Salzburg” In 2012, was part of a collective of photojournalists exhibited in both Cairo and Berlin “The people are a redline” images of the revolution was part of Cairo open city in berlin. 2014 spring festival EL Mawred exhibited “From the Square” conceptual images of Tahrir square 2014 “recreate the square” exhibited in Nabta art center Heba has also worked with children in difficult circumstances such as street children and 
children used for hard labor. She was an Instructor and organizer of “education through art” a program for school drop outs.

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