Comprehensive Food Photography
This 3-day workshop is for aspiring food stylists, recipe developers, food bloggers, chefs and food photographers.
It will cover editorial & commercial food styling techniques for photography and videography purposes. Hoda & her team will cover the whole process from sourcing ingredients till styling with the generous support of two main sponsors: Seoudi Markets and CRAVE Restaurant.
Day 1
Food photography history and trends
Image usage and pricing
Shooting food
Food styling by the instructor
Lighting for food photography
Day 2
Practical work on a various sets of dishes and on two sets of lighting, one with available light, and one with strobes in the studio.( Location to be announced later).
Day 3
Practical retouching/editing work on the pictures taken on day 2 by professional food editor (by Ahmed Ammar).
Wrapping up on the past days and brief summarizing. This workshop includes the market's best food retoucher Ahmed Ammar.
Requirements: This workshop is for intermediate level photographers. You need to know how to control your camera well and have a good knowledge about studio lighting.
Note: Also Food Stylists can join.